Book of the Week – 21

Hello gentle reader,

this week I’m reading Dodger by Terry Pratchett (published in September 2012). It’s a standalone book that doesn’t belong to the Discworld series. Instead it’s a YA Historical Fantasy that just came out in paperback, and I really recommend it!


From Goodreads:

A storm. Rain-lashed city streets. A flash of lightning. A scruffy lad sees a girl leap desperately from a horse-drawn carriage in a vain attempt to escape her captors. Can the lad stand by and let her be caught again? Of course not, because he’s…Dodger.

Seventeen-year-old Dodger may be a street urchin, but he gleans a living from London’s sewers, and he knows a jewel when he sees one. He’s not about to let anything happen to the unknown girl–not even if her fate impacts some of the most powerful people in England.

From Dodger’s encounter with the mad barber Sweeney Todd to his meetings with the great writer Charles Dickens and the calculating politician Benjamin Disraeli, history and fantasy intertwine in a breathtaking account of adventure and mystery.

Beloved and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett combines high comedy with deep wisdom in this tale of an unexpected coming-of-age and one remarkable boy’s rise in a complex and fascinating world.

This book has everything I love: Victorian London, history mixed with fantasy, a wonderful main character, an incredible supporting cast, and a great mystery. If you like this genre, I recommend it!

What are YOU reading this week? Feel free to let me know in the comment section!

Waiting On Wednesday – 16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly event, hosted by book blogger Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This week I’m waiting on Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes (Expected publication: December 11th 2012 by Razorbill). It is a YA High Fantasy novel and I can’t wait to read it. For those of you who don’t know, I write YA High Fantasy myself, and I’m very curious to see what Michelle Rowen (author of romance novels with vampires) has come up with under the pseudonym of Morgan Rhodes…

From Goodreads:

“In a land where magic has been forgotten but peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest is simmering. Three kingdoms grapple for power—brutally transforming their subjects’ lives in the process. Amidst betrayals, bargains, and battles, four young people find their fates forever intertwined. The only outcome that’s certain is that kingdoms will fall. Who will emerge triumphant when all they know has collapsed?”

What do you think? Is this book on your TBR list?

And what are you waiting on this week?

Waiting on Wednesday – 15

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly event, hosted by book blogger Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This week I’m waiting on The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #2) by Michelle Hodkin (Expected publication: October 23rd 2012 by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers). This is book 2 in the Mara Dyer series and I CANNOT WAIT to read it! The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer is undoubtedly one of my favourite YA books and I really want to know what happens next to Mara and Noah.

From Goodreads:

“The truth about Mara Dyer’s dangerous and mysterious abilities continues to unravel in this gripping sequel to the thrilling “The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.” One week after Mara walked into a police station in Miami at the close of “The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer,” she has been committed to psychiatric treatment for what her parents believe was a mental breakdown. But what seems like a hallucination to everyone else is a chilling reality for Mara. Someone from her past has discovered her strange, deeply disturbing secret and that someone wants her to pay. But when no one believes the truth, Mara is totally helpless. The only person on her side is Noah Shaw, as sexy and handsome as he is loyal and cunning. Noah is the only person who can help Mara–as long as he doesn’t get himself killed in the process.”

Visit Michelle’s blog here.

What are you waiting on this week?

Friday Film – Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

This week I’m excited about today’s release of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

Why do I want to see it? Watch this trailer:

So, I haven’t read the book by Seth Grahame-Smith but I really want to watch the movie, as it includes:

a) vampires

b) Abraham Lincoln

c) Tim Burton as a producer

d) Rufus Sewell

I mean, what more can you ask for?!

What are you going to watch this week?

Waiting on Wednesday – 13

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly event, hosted by book blogger Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This week I’m waiting for The Outcast Chronicles by Rowena Cory Daniells. It is a YA Fantasy trilogy which will come out this summer:

Besieged (expected publication: June 26th 2012 by Solaris)

Exile (expected publication: July 31st 2012 by Solaris)

Sanctuary (expected publication: August 28th 2012 by Solaris)

From Goodreads:

“For nearly 300 years the mystics have lived alongside the true-men, who barely tolerate them, until…

King Charald is cursed with a half-blood mystic son. Sorne is raised to be a weapon against the mystics. Desperate to win his father’s respect, Sorne steals power to trigger visions. Unaware King Charald plans their downfall, the mystics are consumed by rivalry. Although physically stronger, the males’ gifts are weaker than the females. Imoshen, the only female mystic to be raised by a brotherhood, wants to end the feud. But the males resent her power and, even within her own sisterhood Imoshen’s enemies believe she is addicted to the male gifts.

Sorne tries, but cannot win the respect of true-men. When he has a vision of half-bloods in danger he has to ask himself where his loyalty lies.

Convinced he can destroy the mystics, King Charald plans to lay siege to their island city. Will Imoshen win the trust of the mystic leaders and, if she does, will she believe the visions of a half-blood?”

What are you waiting on this week?

Waiting on Wednesday – 12

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly event, hosted by book blogger Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This week I’m waiting for Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan (expected publication: September 11th 2012 by Random House Books for Young Readers). It is a YA Fantasy novel with a touch of gothic and it sounds awesome!

From Goodreads:

“Kami Glass loves someone she’s never met . . . a boy she’s talked to in her head ever since she was born. She wasn’t silent about her imaginary friend during her childhood, and is thus a bit of an outsider in her sleepy English town of Sorry-in-the-Vale. Still, Kami hasn’t suffered too much from not fitting in. She has a best friend, runs the school newspaper, and is only occasionally caught talking to herself. Her life is in order, just the way she likes it, despite the voice in her head.

But all that changes when the Lynburns return.

The Lynburn family has owned the spectacular and sinister manor that overlooks Sorry-in-the-Vale for centuries. The mysterious twin sisters who abandoned their ancestral home a generation ago are back, along with their teenage sons, Jared and Ash, one of whom is eerily familiar to Kami. Kami is not one to shy away from the unknown—in fact, she’s determined to find answers for all the questions Sorry-in-the-Vale is suddenly posing. Who is responsible for the bloody deeds in the depths of the woods? What is her own mother hiding? And now that her imaginary friend has become a real boy, does she still love him? Does she hate him? Can she trust him?”

Does this sound great or what?

Visit Sarah’s website here.

What book are you waiting on this week?

Friday Film – Snow White and the Huntsman

I love movies. I watch a lot of them. So I have decided to add a category to this blog and write about them. I’ll be mentioning new or upcoming releases that I’m excited about. This week, I’m starting off with Snow White and the Huntsman, which is released this week.

Why I want to see it? Watch this trailer:

I have read the reviews and apparently, Snow White and the Huntsman is not the movie of the year. But I still desperately want to see it because it’s:

a) a fantasy movie with gothic elements

b) a fairy tale retelling

c) a film where the main female character is (hopefully) not a useless and helpless idiot (yes, I hate those).

Honestly, that’s enough for me.

What are you going to watch this week?