A Visit to Kew Gardens…

Hello gentle reader,

this week again I’m taking part in the Thursday’s Children meme hosted by Rhiann Wynn-Nolet and Kristina Perez. It is “a weekly blog hop where writers come together to talk about whatever inspires them.”


Because this week has been full of sad news, I thought I’d share pictures of a place that is wonderfully peaceful and inspiring: Kew Gardens. All the photos are mine, so please mention my name if you reuse them…

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew are 121 hectares of gardens and botanical glasshouses between Richmond and Kew in southwest London. Created in 1759, the gardens celebrated their 250th anniversary in 2009.

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Palm House

The Palm House (built in 1844–1848)

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Inside the Palm House

Inside the Palm House…

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Cherry Walk

The Cherry Walk, leading to…

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Temperate House 1

The Temperate House (this greenhouse is the world’s largest surviving Victorian glass structure)

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Kew Palace

Kew Palace (the smallest of the British royal palaces, built around 1631. The home of George III and his family)

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Daffodils

EM Castellan - Kew Gardens - Peacock

Do you have a favourite place near where you live? One that feels peaceful and inspiring when the world seems like a dark place? Feel free to leave me a comment below, and to visit the other Thursday’s Children posts here.

21 thoughts on “A Visit to Kew Gardens…

  1. sugaropal says:

    Well, the beach is ALWAYS my favorite place to get away from it all. I’m also fond of the woods, especially in autumn. It looks lovely and Spring-y in London, and I’m jealous 🙂

  2. jessicamontgomery2 says:

    The place near me is called Allerton Park. It was built by a man with a lot of left over money and no family, so he built a mansion in the middle of the woods and crafted everything around it to be gardens. You’ll be walking in the woods and come across giant statues or pillars. He created the entire place to be somewhere to explore. It is actually where my fiance proposed to me, so it is extra special 🙂

  3. Pat Esden says:

    Wonderful photos very inspiring–actually your post made me remember a wonderful trip I took to the botanical gardens in Boston.

  4. Vickie H. says:

    Kew Palace looks very grand…the peacock is BEAUTIFUL, as well as the flowers in the meadow. Spring has sprung, and I am sooooo glad.

  5. Laura Oliva says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. There’s just something about a beautiful green space, isn’t there?

  6. So lovely!!! We’re buried under over a foot of snow (still coming down) here in Colorado, so your photos have me longing for spring!!!

  7. Dannie Morin says:

    Great post, Em! I haven’t found a favorite spot since we moved to Charlotte. Definitely need to get on that as it’s been seven years now.

    ~Dannie @ Left to Write

  8. I can’t believe I’ve never been! I must go 🙂


  9. Oh brings back such great memories. It was always so quiet when we went – something hard to come by living in central London. Right now my go to peaceful place is either at the beach or down by the Waikanae River.

  10. kiperoo says:

    Oh, I needed to see some beautiful places this week! I’ve heard Kew Gardens was beautiful but I’ve never actually looked it up so it was so nice to see your photos.

  11. Those are such lovely photos. I have to say that spring is my favourite time of year. 🙂 And there’s plenty of inspiration to be had from nature.

  12. Amazing! Parks and gardens always bring out a sense of peacefulness in me. If you’re ever in Toronto, be sure to take a walk in Edward’s Gardens!

  13. christineallenriley says:

    Beautiful and soul-soothing pictures. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  14. Kate Frost says:

    Just stunning – I can’t believe I’ve not ever been to Kew Gardens. Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire is a pretty special place particularly in spring and autumn and I loved walking my dog in the beautiful and virtually empty gardens of Tyntesfield (National Trust) during the winter.

  15. Thank you for these beautiful shots. I was led to your blog by my old friend Moro Buddy Bohn. I have visited Kew Gardens many times in my life.

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