New Project Reveal – Part 2: The Inspiration

Hello gentle reader,

this week again I’m taking part in the Tursday’s Children meme hosted by Rhiann Wynn-Nolet and Kristina Perez. It is “a weekly blog hop where writers come together to talk about whatever inspires them.”


In these posts, I share a little bit more about what I’ve been working on, a YA Historical Fantasy nicknamed Secret WIP. Last week the first part of this “Project Reveal” was all about Setting.

Today’s theme is : INSPIRATION.

My novel takes place in London, during the Victorian era. I had the idea for it years ago, and since then I’ve watched many films and TV shows which have helped me get a clearer idea of what story I wanted to write. Here are a few…


The Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)

Crimson Petal and the White

The Crimson Petal and the White (2011)


Jane Eyre (2011)

Great Expectations

Great Expectations (2012)


Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)


Ripper Street (2013)


Peter Pan (2033)

Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)

Sally Lockhart Mysteries

The Sally Lockhart Mysteries (2006-2007)

Case of the Silk Stocking

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking (2004)

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 (2009-2011)

So this is what inspired me! I hope this gives you a taste of what’s to come in my Secret WIP…

What inspired you to write your Work In Progress? Do you find inspiration in the films or TV shows you watch? Feel free to leave me a comment below, and to visit the other Thursday’s Children posts here.

Learning to Write With Movies

Hello gentle reader,

As promised today I am mixing work and pleasure, in the sense that I’m going to talk about writing and handsome actors. See, I am a huge movie fan and I often go and see movies for the actor I happen to fancy. Sometimes the movie is great. Sometimes it is terrible and all I can do is stare at the awesomeness that is the main actor and forget about the movie itself. Whatever the case, I always learn something about writing. Thus let me share below a few nuggets of wisdom learned from various movies (in chronological order)… or you can just scroll down and stare at the pretty pictures.


Movie: Gladiator (2000)

Actor: Russell Crowe

What I learned about writing: Never underestimate the narrative power of the good old “Hero’s Journey”. If you put a new spin on it, there’s no reason why your hero shouldn’t get a call, meet a mentor, go through some trials, defeat the bad guy and finish his journey transformed.


Movie: Alexander (2004)

Actor: Jared Leto

What I learned about writing: Don’t be afraid to be a bit ambitious and to go for epicness. Some stories need it.

Tristan & Isolde

Movie: Tristan and Isolde (2006)

Actor: Henry Cavill

What I learned about writing: Do not make your villain/secondary character more interesting, more handsome, more complex than your hero. Because then, your reader will fancy him more than the hero. And that can be a problem.

Mr Brooks

Movie: Mr Brooks (2007)

Actor: Kevin Costner

What I learned about writing: it is perfectly acceptable to have a villain as your main character, as long as you show him in all his complexity.


Movie: Valhalla Rising (2009)

Actor: Mads Mikkelsen

What I learned about writing: having a disabled main character can make your story intriguing and more original. In this example, the hero is one-eyed and mute. Yet he is fascinating.


Movie: Centurion (2010)

Actor: Michael Fassbender

What I learned about writing: Michael Fassbender is awesome. Wait, that’s not a writing lesson. Here is the lesson: even if you have a large cast, make sure all the characters have their own “arc” and storyline. The more the reader feels he knows them, the more he is likely to care.


Movie: Anonymous (2011)

Actor: Jamie Campbell Bower

What I learned about writing: Done artfully, it can be very moving and narratively powerful to portray a character from his youth to his death and to span 80 years of history.

The Eagle

Movie: The Eagle (2011)

Actor: Channing Tatum and Jamie Bell

What I learned about writing: Nothing will make your reader care more about your main character than showing him with a best friend.

Have you learned any writing lessons from watching movies? If, yes, which ones? Feel free to leave me a comment below!

5 Books that Should Be Movies

Hello gentle readers,

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, The Host by Stephenie Meyer, Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl… What do these books have in common? They have all been turned into movies that will come out in 2013.

I have read them, and they are good books, which means I’ll probably go and see their movie version. However, if I had a choice in deciding which books should be turned into movies, I would have made another list. Here are 5 books I really wish were movies:

1 – The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin (YA Paranormal)

The unbecoming of Mara Dyer

I have given up hope that Mara Dyer and Noah Shaw are real. Can I at least see them in a movie?

2 – The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (YA Fantasy)

the-raven-boys-book-coverThose boys. This girl. This school. This story. This magic. How on earth is this book not a movie yet?

3 – Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel (YA Paranormal)


The only Vampire Book out there that should be a movie, and the only one that isn’t, for some reason.

4 – American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Fantasy)


Neil Gaiman’s books become movies, slowly and surely. I just hope this one doesn’t get forgotten, because it’s my favourite by him.

5 – The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (YA High Fantasy)


The awesomeness that is this book would make for an amazing movie.

Which book do you wish were a movie?

The Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

Hello gentle reader,

three days ago the ever-awesome Karen Rought passed the Lovely Blog Award on to me! Thank you so much Karen! I am now supposed to: thank the person who gave it to me, list 7 things about myself and pass it along to 7 others. I have already shared 7 random things about myself on this blog when I received the Very Inspiring Blog Award. So today I thought I would do something a little bit different. Instead of talking about myself per se, I’m going to talk about 7 reasons why I cannot wait for the UK release of the movie Les Miserables tomorrow.

Les Miserables

1- I read Les Miserables for the first time when I was 10. It was an abridged version for children and I remember loving it, although at the time I had no idea why it was such a compelling story.

2- I finally read the full version of Les Miserables when I was 15 and it blew me away. I still know some quotes by heart. It was epic and moving, historical and timeless, incredibly well written and yet easy to read. It is one of the first books that made me want to be a writer.

3- My teenage years were also the time when I fell in love with musicals. And I read every single book by Victor Hugo (and yes, he wrote many, including poetry, political essays and plays). If you have a question about this French author’s work, I’m the one to ask 😉

4- By the time I was 20, I had also watched every possible movie rendition of Les Miserables. And let me tell you, some of them are bad. And weird.

4- Ten years ago I found out there was a musical based on Les Miserables (I know, a bit late to this party…). Two of my favourite things in the world! I saw it, and loved it.

5- Ten years ago, I also watched Gladiator for the first time and thought Russell Crowe was an awesome actor. I know he is way older than me, but I still have an odd crush on him.

6- But you may know if you read this blog that my biggest love when it comes to actors is Eddie Redmayne. Just watch The Pillars of the Eearth: I dare you not to love him.

7- January 2013: a movie based on the musical Les Miserables is released. Russell Crowe and Eddie Redmayne star in it.

Now you understand why I CAN’T WAIT FOR TOMORROW?

Now on to my list of 7 lovely bloogers:

Raewyn Hewitt

Amanda Fanger

Sydney Aaliyah

Ayesha Schroeder

The Feather and the Rose

Kate Michael

Rhiann Wynn-Nolet

Go and visit their blogs, they are all worth a read!

The Best Of 2012 – Movies

Hello gentle reader,

This is my last post looking back at 2012… I already mentioned the TV shows I watched this year in this post and my favourite 2012 books here.Today I’m finishing this series of posts with movies I watched in 2012. This year I watched a total of 30 new releases (most of them at the theatre) and I have picked 10 to share with you…


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


The Dark Knight Rises


The Hunger Games

Breaking Dawn Part 2

Twilight – Breaking Dawn – Part 2


Underworld – Awakening

Snow-White-and-the-Huntsman 2

Snow White and the Huntsman



The Avengers

The Avengers

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows



What did you watch this year? Any movies you’d recommend? Feel free to leave me a comment below!

Friday Film – Frozen

This week, I would like to mention a film that I cannot wait to see: Frozen (Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 2013 animated feature holiday film). Based on The Snow Queen by Hans C. Andersen, the movie will be “an epic tale of adventure and comedy”.

According to the official press release from 11th June 2012, the film is set to be released on 27th November 2013.

“In Frozen, a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, so Anna (voice of film/TV/stage star Kristen Bell), a young dreamer about to take the adventure of a lifetime, must team up with Kristoff, a daring mountain man, on the grandest of journeys to find Elsa the Snow Queen (voice of Tony Award ®-winning actress Idina Menzel) and put an end to the icy spell. Encountering Everest-like extremes, mystical creatures and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom from destruction.

Directed by Chris Buck (“Tarzan,” “Surf’s Up”) and produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Winnie the Pooh,” “The Princess and the Frog”) and by Pixar’s John Lasseter, “Frozen” will feature original songs by Broadway greats Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez.”

So, not only is this film based on an amazing fairy tale, but it will also include the voices of two of my favourite actresses in the world?

Allow me to swoon. I just cannot wait.

What about you? Do you have a film that you’re eagerly anticipating? Let me know in the comment section!